NH Oil Undercoating® is a highly refined food-grade mineral oil product. Formulated with the environment in mind, NH Oil Undercoating is a nonhazardous unregulated product. It causes no health or flammability hazards.
The technical term is resolute oil, otherwise known as mineral oil. It is a food-safe grade oil, which means you can consume it in small quantities. Of course I’m not encouraging you to try. However, we had a customer call last year whose pet dog did just that. The only adverse reaction was loose stool! No solvents and no detergents. Corrosion inhibitors are all green and environmentally friendly.
Our oil has natural corrosion inhibitors otherwise known as “green inhibitors”, derived from plants and animal fats. Contains no solvents or detergents. It is an environmentally friendly product considering it does not drip. (Minimal dripping may occur). Our NH Back-N-Black has a biodegradable tint, otherwise the same as the clear product.
In our opinion, Oil-based rustproofing is the most forgiving way to treat corrosion.
Our oil is formulated to displace moisture, the presence of oil will deprive the surface of oxygen. When you take either out of the equation, oxidation cannot occur, so as long as the product is present rust is held at bay. NH Oil will simultaneously fight corrosion on a chemical level as well. The presence of the oil will form a barrier to protect the surface. NHOU Is formulated to migrate and creep. This is especially important to the weak areas of a vehicle, rocker panels, door panels, etc. areas that are by design prone to rust. The surfaces are generally unprotected with a finish (paint), prone to hold moisture and are very thin. Over the course of a warm month, it is not uncommon for our oil to move as much as several inches. In a cross member of a pickup truck bed, that would encapsulate the entire inside surface area. Having some surface rust can actually be a plus. Much like using an abrasive to scuff a surface prior to applying a finish, the rust will give the product something to hang on to.
Absolutely not! Because NH Oil Undercoating® is an entirely different approach, it eliminates annoying electrical malfunctions and makes the vehicle work better and last longer. While the manufacturers probably won’t admit it, they just have to love NH Oil Undercoating® because it will reduce the number of corrosion related warranty claims they are obligated to pay. It also saves customers the time and aggravation associated with claims against warranties. NH Oil Undercoating is used and sold by most major manufacturers dealerships.
Check with your dealer, each shop is independently owned and operated. In most cases, if your vehicle arrives with a heavy residue of mud, flaky rust it would be necessary to wash/remove before treatment. We recommend that any heavy accumulation of mud and dirt be pressure washed from the frame and wheel wells a day prior to the application. Note, arrangements may be necessary to allow adequate time for preparation and additional costs may occur.
NHOU is atomized under high pressure which pushes the product deep into the seams, cracks and crevices where corrosion starts. Once applied, the product removes the moisture in these areas and provides a strong adherence to these surfaces, remaining active with excellent “creeping” and self-healing abilities.
While driving habits may vary, we recommend an annual application in order to maintain adequate protection.