
Proactive Rustproofing with New Hampshire Oil Undercoating

Rustproofing-Undercoating with New Hampshire Oil Undercoating

NH Oil Undercoating® is designed to create a barrier that can’t be broken, chipped or cracked. By staying fluid, our environmentally friendly petroleum-based rust protection heals back over after any abrasions providing lasting protection, even in extreme conditions.

In our last post, we promised you a series detailing each of our rustproofing services. Here’s the first one, and it’s about rustproofingnh1NHOU. The Essentials In a nutshell, NHOU is an environmentally friendly, scientifically advanced formula that provides preventive protection for your vehicle against rust and other forms of corrosion, as well as against chemical degradation of its plastic and rubber parts. In other words, it protects your vehicle’s whole undercarriage from the damage caused by water, salt, and other substances it comes into contact with on the road.

At The Rust Stop Pro we make sure that your undercarriage is completely protected from the elements using our formula NHOU. It’s an environmentally friendly, oil based product that is a highly effective rustproofing formula. It has been laboratory and field tested and refined, so it will protect and maintain all types of vehicles against the damaging effects of corrosion. NHOU is made from the highest quality corrosion preventatives and lubricants that are available on the market today. We also stay on top of political, social and economic trends that could affect how roads are cared for and other factors that help determine the substances your vehicle may be exposed to on a regular basis. As a result, we are able to keep NHOU constantly up to date with the times, so you can rest assured that you are getting the very best protection available. How It Works Applied as a high-pressured spray, NHOU protects your vehicle’s most critical areas by penetrating and displacing existing moisture and forming a protective barrier to the many vulnerable crevices found in vehicles. How Long It Takes Application of NH Oil Undercating takes about 45 minutes. We provide a convenient viewing window in our waiting room where you can sit and watch if you wish. We also provide free wireless internet connection, coffee and hot chocolate.

Do You Drill Any Holes? Rust Stop Pro technicians will use the existing holes provided by the manufacturer. However, certain critical areas cannot be accessed without drilling.  To avoid the potential negative consequences of drilling, we will use a special drill bit that will not heat up the metal in the area.  Once the area has been treated, we protect every hole by applying a special protective product and esthetic plastic caps. How Often You Should Rustproof NH Oil Undercoating is most effective as an annual treatment. You should come back ever 12  months to provide your vehicle’s undercarriage with continuous protection. Weather Conditions and Wet Vehicles NH Oil Undercoating displaces moisture, so it can be applied in any season, and you will not need to reschedule your appointment if it is raining. Deciding Whether RS3000 Is Right for Your Vehicle Simply put, NHOU is a great choice for any vehicle, but some vehicles are not ready for it yet. NHOU is formulated to be a rust prevention agent, not a rust removal agent. It will not repair existing rust, but will slow down its progress considerably. So if your vehicle is too rusty, we recommend starting with our Rustoration service before applying RNHOU.

NH Oil Undercoating® Rust Protecion See the difference for yourself!

Rust Proofing has never been more important because of the introduction to salt brine on the roads.The use of brins is known as anti-icing or pre-wetting measures.

Brines have the same melting characteristics of solid rock salt, but since it is applied in liquid form, the salt can begin to work immediately. The brines are also more effective in lower temperatures.

You need to be proactive with corrosion because Anti-icing is currently recognized as a pro-active approach to winter driver safety by most transportation agencies. Pre-wetting [using salt brines] has been shown to increase both the performance of solid chemicals and abrasives, as well as their longevity on the roadway surface, thereby reducing the amount of materials required,

https://nhoilundercoating.com/home/workshops/Rust free cars and trucks for sale by owner

Why we think you should consider a vehicle undercoating service